Friday, July 31, 2009

IVF # 1 - Ganirelix Acetate Protocol

I started stimming last night and my shots (Follistim and Menopur) weren't bad at all. I already knew what to expect from the Follistim shot because I had done this for my two previous IUIs, but I was a bit nervous about whether I was going to be able to mix the Menopur properly. I luckily had one of those Q-caps, which seemed to make the mixing pretty easy, so hopefully I did everything right! I have my first "check-up" on Sunday, so we will see how this combination of Follistim and Menopur are working for me. Considering my low or non-existent antral follicle counts and my high FSH, I realize that I will probably be a poor responder; thus, I'm not getting my hopes up regarding seeing any action on Sunday. My research has led me to believe that the Menopur and birth control pills could suppress me even more, so if I have ANY follies on Sunday, I will be thrilled. I will also be ecstatic if I can get five follies to grow by the end of this cycle. My RE said that he would like me to be able to get between three and six follies, so I know that my expectations are realistic.

Here's my protocol for my this first IVF cycle - I'll update this as I move along ("SD" means Stim Day since I have no idea what actual CD it is):

SD1 - Thursday, July 30, 2009
PM: 150 Follistim / 150 Menopur

SD2 - Friday, July 31, 2009
AM: 300 Follistim
PM: 150 Follistim / 150 Menopur

SD3 - Saturday, August 1, 2009
AM: 300 Follistim
PM: 150 Follistim / 150 Menopur

SD4 - Sunday, August 2, 2009
AM: 300 Follistim
PM: 150 Follistim / 150 Menopur
B/W and U/S # 1: E2 - 211; Follicles (R: 3 / L: Cyst); Lining: 6.1

SD5 - Monday, August 3, 2009
AM: 300 Follistim
PM: 150 Follistim / 150 Menopur

SD6 - Tuesday, August 4, 2009
AM: 300 Follistim
PM: 150 Follistim / 150 Menopur
B/W and U/S # 2: E2 - 325; Follicles (R: 3 / L: Cyst, 1)

SD7 - Wednesday, August 5, 2009
AM: 300 Follistim
B/W and U/S # 3: E2 - 417; Follicles (R: 3 / L: Cyst, 1)



  1. GO TO SIRM!!!!! I was told by 5 different doc I'd NEVER have a baby of my own I had a FSH of 21 at age 25! Most docs wont go to retrieval without at least 5 eggs... Both my cycles I only had 2 eggs, both times got pregnant with my sons... I used Dr. Ahlering in the SIRM st. Louis Office for both my sons and we are trying for a third next week!!! Don't give up until you have spoken with a doctor that specializes in poor responders and will go to retrieval with one egg... It only takes one! There are also FSH support forums that can help you!the SIRM website has mutiple discussion boards that the doctors respond to daily. Good Luck! you are welcome to e-mail me for more information

  2., sorry for the typo

  3. OK, gotta add a PS here, I looked at your Doc's website... You'll notice thatthey post their "success rates" you'll also notice that they fail to differentiate poor responders under age 40 from other pre-menopausal women. Your FSH is an indicator of your egg reserve, your age is the indicator of the egg quality. PLaces that sell themselves based on their "success rates" have a high cancel rate because they wont even try to go to retieval with less than 5 eggs, and that's to protect their overall numbers for advertising purposes. you'll notice that places the specialize in poor responders will have rates based on age and fsh or will talk with you individually about your chances based on your personal age and fsh. All that being said, you had 3 eggs and they cancelled you! That's 2 more eggs than you needed. I'd check out SIRM.
