Thursday, August 20, 2009

Now What?

I'm getting frustrated. I had my botched IVF follow-up appointment with Dr. Mottla today. They took some blood (to check my E2 and progesterone levels and I asked them to throw in a TSH check, too) and performed an ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed that I still have that damn cyst. I kind of figured it was still there. I'm on CD22 and doubt that I've ovulated yet because my temps haven't gone up, nor have I gotten a peak reading on my fertility monitor. I'm pretty confident that this delayed ovulation is due to either 1) the fertility meds I was on at the beginning of this cycle or 2) the birth control pills caused my body to not know what to do.

Dr. Mottla told me that he's going to wait to see what the bloodwork reveals, but he's probably going to prescribe Provera for me to kick-start AF and then have me return on CD3 for a baseline appointment. If the cyst is still there, he will put me back on BCPs for another month to see if that combats the cyst. However, considering I was on them last cycle when this cyst formed and considering doubling up the dosage of BCPs when they found the cyst didn't do diddly, I don't understand how putting me back on BCPs for another month will get rid of it, but that's a question for another day. When I asked him why he wouldn't want to aspirate it, he told me that they try to be as minimally invasive as possible (sound familiar?), but if it was filled with fluid (and not blood), he would consider doing it. I don't know how they determine a cyst's contents, but that's yet another question for the future. Dr. Mottla told me that he will personally call me back this afternoon with my bloodwork results and probably just tell me to take the Provera and come in on CD3 and we'll go from there depending on what my body chooses to do.

So now what do I do? Should I take the Provera or just let my body do her natural thing for once? If I were to follow Dr. Mottla's plan and go back on the BCPs, I won't be able to start my IVF cycle for about 5 weeks (2 weeks to get AF and 3 weeks of BCPs), which puts me at the end of September or beginning of October (and that's IF the cyst has gone away). I have an initial consult with Dr. Sacks at Columbia Fertility Associates in the beginning of September. Maybe I should just rack up my experience at Shady Grove as a learning experience and move on at this point - especially since I won't be able to get started again until October at the earliest. In the meantime, I can try to just see an acupuncturist and hope that he can get my body in good shape for the next round of infertility treatments - whenever that may be. I'll get it figured out - I always do and things work out just fine.

However, I do have some other possibly concerning news to add to my mix of issues - Yesterday I had my annual mammogram. (I had to start getting them two years ago at the age of 35 because my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 40s (or was it her late 30s?). She had a complete mastectomy and she's been cancer free ever since). The tech told me that I have very dense breasts. I'm not sure what that meant, other than she had to expose me to more radiation. She also had to take an extra picture of my right side (I had to be called back so they could rescan that one two years ago because they couldn't tell if I had something to be concerned about or just this dense tissue). She told me that the breast doctor will be there tomorrow to review my results, but I didn't like the look on her face when she told me that. I need to stop googling. The first two hits that come up about dense breast tissue are 1) dense breast tissue hikes risk of cancer and 2) Premenopausal women, especially women who have never been pregnant, may have dense breast tissue. I'll just wait for the doctor's call. However, a good number of my Fertile Thoughts High FSH friends have been posting that they, too, have been told that they have dense breasts and are cancer-free. However, this could lend to a link with our probems in TTC. Interesting.


Just got the bloodwork call from Dr. Mottla: I didn't O. Uh, yeah - I knew that. P4 was .4, E2 was 504 and TSH was .4 (that's on the low side now, but he's satisfied with that since he'd rather have it be lower than higher since it increases during pregnancy). He's calling in a script to the pharmacy for Provera. So I get to join that happy train. I'm supposed to return on CD3 and Dr. Mottla wants to be there personally for that appointment, as well. So, at least I'm getting that personal touch now, which is nice.


  1. I go to Columbia and failed 3 IVFs - My FSH was 9 at its highest and Dr Peters gave me the DE talk during our phone conversation....I was very turned off by that.

    I am looking at Check at the Cooper.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your failed IVFs. May I ask which protocols they put you on? And thank you for the information - that's good to know so I can be prepared. If he gave you the DE talk and your FSH was only 9, they'll probably just shove me right out of the office as soon as I walk in! Have you tried SG?

  3. I just realized that you are currently going to Columbia and that you also had a phone consult w/ Dr. Peters. I wonder why he gave you the DE talk. I think he told me that was one of my options, but he also told me the protocols he would use on me. Did he not give you any other protocol options. I'll keep you posted on how my consult at Columbia goes. Good luck w/ your Cooper consult!
