Well, we hit another milestone today...I finally had my very first Level 2 Ultrasound / Anatomy Scan and everything seems to be progressing well!
First the big news...today's tech (who was great, by the way) confirmed that Murtle is a GIRL! She measured right on track for her age (19w3d) and weighed 10 ounces. Her heart beat was beating away at 145 bpm. She seems to be a very "chill" baby, though, because she didn't move around much at all - I even drank some OJ, had a banana and ate some pineapple this morning to give her a sugar rush! I was surprised to learn that the placenta is actually in the back. I figured it was in the front since I can't feel any movements yet. I guess she's just a very, very calm baby! Hopefully that is a sign of good things to come. When the tech was doing her thing, I asked if they did 3-D ultrasounds there and the tech told me they did and ended up giving me a bunch of 2D and 3D pictures! What a nice and unexpected surprise!
Dr. Weinbaum was very nice and personable and didn't state any concerns. He wants to see me for another ultrasound at 32 weeks because they recommend seeing all of their "older" patients for a 32 week scan. I then specifically asked him if everything looked good and he said it did. I also asked if the amniotic fluid, the placenta and my cervix were ok and he said they were. All in all, a very good day!
yay congrats on a great scan and confirmation of a girl :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on yet another milestone! And congratulations on a girl!! How exciting! The ultrasound looks like she is sucking her thumb...how adorable!
ReplyDeleteGreat news! So happy to hear! :) Start buying some pink mama!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I knew you would be having a girl!