Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Follow-Up Growth Ultrasound (36w2d) and 11th OB Appointment (37w1d)

I had my follow-up growth ultrasound last Wednesday (at 36 weeks 2 days) and my 11th OB appointment today (at 37 weeks 1 day). Both appointments went just fine. Murtle measured about 6 pounds last week and was sprouting a full head of hair. :) I've gained about 13 total pounds as of today. Things are on track - I have my first NST and BPP tomorrow back at the MFM's office tomorrow - hopefully that will show that everything is progressing fine and that Murtle is continuing to thrive and grow.

My husband and I finished a lot of our baby preparation items this past weekend, too! The nursery is basically finished, too - yay! While I still hope that she makes it until her due date, if she were to come any earlier, I would feel ok with what we've accomplished so far. I'm getting excited to meet our new baby girl!

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