Sunday, May 15, 2011

IVF # 3 - Stim Day 8 - Not Much Action Yet!

Well, today's ultrasound (# 3) showed not much activity. In fact, it seems that there were less follies than there were on Friday's check-up. On Friday, my RE said I had 3 unmeasurable ones on the right and 2 on the left...which is pretty promising for me. Today, he only mentioned that he saw one (also unmeasurable) on the right and didn't say if he saw any on the left. I'm still happy that a lead follicle hasn't developed, though. And the promising news from today's check-up is that my E2 has finally risen to 251. It seemed to have stalled between my bloodwork appointment on SD3 and my 2nd ultrasound on SD5. I continue to remain encouraged by the rise in estrogen and truly believe that this protocol is the best one for me! There was one little hiccup that I wasn't expecting, though. I have noticed a bit of spotting from time to time. I told my RE this and he said that my lining may still be thin...sure enough, it is. So, hopefully that will pick up, as well. I've never had an issue with my lining before, so now I have something else I need to ensure is in good working order. I'm not going to worry about it until show-time, though, and I will continue to have faith that my body will not let me down.

Finally, I got a nice surprise today when I learned that Emily is still working (or has returned to) the clinic! It was so nice to see her friendly smile and hear the re-assurance in her voice when she called me to report my bloodwork results. I also had a really nice nurse draw my blood today, too. She even told me that she had remembered me from IVF # 2. Luckily, everything with my meds has worked out, as well - I got them...but our checking account took a bit of a hit! It will all be worth it, though, in the next few weeks!

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