Tuesday, August 4, 2009

IVF # 1 - SD6 (CD5) - Spoke Too Soon......

Well, it looks like this cycle could be a bust. There was no growth in those three unmeasurable follies on my right and my cyst has gotten bigger. I KNEW they should have aspirated it regardless of my e2 level after the double-dose of BCPs - it seems like it's gobbling up the meds.

Now maybe I shouldn't jump the gun because I do need to wait for my bloodwork results, so I'm not positive if they're going to cancel me or not. I would assume they would because the cyst is growing. If that damn thing wasn't there, I would want to continue to push forward (considering I'm a poor responder), but I really do think that that's the culprit. This just steams me SO much more that they didn't have my TSH under control last month b/c I had no cysts and things were perfect. Grr. And I can't cycle now until MAYBE October because of scheduling conflicts. Double Grr. I feel like I'm truly runing out of time.

Update: I just got a call from one of the nurses (well, I think she was a nurse - I never had heard of her before) - I take my meds tonight and tomorrow morning and then go back in again tomorrow morning. They want a doctor to see me so he can get a better "eye-ball" of what to do. My E2 was 325. I really wish they wouldn't keep drawing this out, or at least explain their rationale as to why I have to keep going. The only thing I can do at this point is wait and see what tomorrow's ultrasound reveals and what an RE has to say.


  1. ugh. big hug to you. sorry that you are going through this!

  2. Have you tried wheatgrass? I heard it's good for high FSH and good for infertility in general. I'm going to go out and buy some today, I just hope I can find a place that sells it!

  3. Dawn - Thanks so much.

    Christa - I haven't tried it, but I have heard lots of great things about it. I've heard that Whol*e Foo*ds sells it, so you might be able to find it there. Let me know what you think of it!
