Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Third BPP and NST (39w2d)

Whoops - I forgot to report on last week's BPP, NST and OB appointments - No news is good news, so all was well!

Today's update is that Murtle didn't pass the NST portion of the BPP. I was on that monitor for 40 minutes. Everything else looked fine, though. They really shouldn't do these NSTs first thing in the morning b/c Murtle is never really active then...AND they did that part first this time - usually it takes the ultrasound to get her going. Plus, she tired herself out over the weekend! So, I'm not too worried about it b/c she did start to move during the ultrasound and I know she'll be moving later today. My next OB appointment is tomorrow - they better not raise the topic of induction!! However, one of my FT friends just brought everything back into perspective for me again by telling me, "[i]nducement, schimducement...ain't nothin' but a thing! Eyes on the Prize, baby! She's about her make her DEBUT!!!" She's absolutely right!

Some other tidbits from last week:

My husband and I met with two of the doulas / doulas-in-training from JHU last Thursday. They were AWESOME and made me (and my husband, too, I believe) feel better about what's ahead. I think they will be a tremendous support, yet without getting in the way or not respecting our wishes if things change during the laboring.

Also, during last week's 38 week check-up, my OB (Dr. Edwards - my favorite one in the practice)said I was her favorite patient because I am always so chipper and happy. What in the world do I have to not be happy about? I had a smooth PG, I feel great, and I realize how incredibly blessed and fortunate I am that I got PG in the first place! Murtle dropped (went from 36 cms to 32 cms last week), yet I wasn't dilated (I didn't think I was, anyway - she's going to listen to her momma and come late, ha ha).

Finally, my husband and I attended an infant care class on Saturday (a 4-hour class, mind you). I'm glad we went because I felt pretty clueless about what to do once the baby is actually here, but now at least have a better sense as to how to take care of a brand new little person!

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