I had my first ultrasound appointment this morning (stim day 7). The appointment itself went great - the staff was pleasant and I was in and out in about 15 minutes. While the waiting room was busy, I presume I was the first (and only at that time) IVF patient there (everyone else was there for something else) because Dr. Sacks told the receptionist when I checked in that he'll see me next. Within five minutes we were underway. I told Dr. Sacks that I wasn't feeling anything going on yet and he reassured me by telling me that it was still early. He saw one follicle on my right that measured 10 mm (which was probably the same one that I had when I went for my baseline) and a few other smaller ones and a few small ones on my left. He told me that he didn't want to see a dominant follicle develop and when I asked if that one on the right was dominant, he said it wasn't because it was still small. He said that depending on my bloodwork results he will see me on either Wednesday or Thursday. I asked him, "so things are ok now, right?" He responded that things were fine and told me, "be the tortoise." So now I get to wait on the bloodwork results and keep on keepin' on.
I just got my bloodwork call from my nurse. My E2 went from 52.7 to 135 and my lining is at 6. I asked for more details on my follies and she told me that the other follies on my right are just slightly smaller. I have that 10, an 8 and another 8. I have some on my left, but they are unmeasurable at this point. I return on Wednesday and am supposed to bring my Ganirelix in case I need to add that to the mix. So I'm pleased that I have at least three that are growing together!
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