Sunday, September 27, 2009

Finally Time for Egg Retrieval

I triggered last night and my ER is set for tomorrow morning at 8:00 am! Surprisingly, the trigger shot was a breeze - the shot itself seemed to be even less painful than the sub-cutaneous shots, if that's possible. However today, my butt is reminding me that I got it last night.

Anyway, yesterday's check-up showed four follies on my left (20, 17, 17, and 13) and a 10 on my right. My E2 was 756 and lining was 11. I had to return this morning just for bloodwork to make sure that the trigger worked, which it did. So, I was instructed to not eat or drink anything after midnight tonight and I need to be at my RE's office at 7:15 tomorrow morning.

DH and I went to a nature preserve yesterday to check out some wildlife. We had to check-in at the front office to get a permit. Guess what was in the office? An aquarium w/ just two female TURTLES!!! And then as I was driving to my RE's office this morning for my bloodwork appointment guess what I saw - a turtle crossing the ramp to a major highway! All of these turtles have got to be someone telling me something.


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

  2. Good luck! xoxo. Sooner :-)

  3. Did you know that in Chinese lore, the turtle is a symbol of fertility? In addition to the fact that your doctor recently told you to "be the tortoise" - I think this was a great sign. Anything that helps...I found a turtle charm that I put on my keychain before my last cycle.
    Three years ago, when traveling near an Indian reservation in CO, I happened to pick up a necklace made of rose quartz & had a lotus flower pendant. I carried/wore that during my cycle & to appointments. In the last year, I've read that the rose quartz & the lotus flower were signs of fertility.
    Good luck tomorrow! It sounds like taking this risk & switching RE's has paid off for you. You could be conceiving tomorrow! How exciting!
