Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On My Way to IOTO?!

Murtle fertilized!! DH and I can create an embryo! Obviously, I'm feeling realistic that there are still a lot of obstacles ahead, but for some reason, hearing about my egg's first fertilization seems like such an incredible and miraculous milestone. DH and I have created a new living being together - I'm still in awe of the significance and meaning of that.

We actually have a chance at being an It Only Takes One (IOTO) success story! DH feels much more optimistic about our chances that I'll actually get pregnant now than I do because he thinks the hard part is over. In fact, he felt pretty confident that we'd achieve fertilization because "we took all of the challenges out of creating an embryo (because of the ER and ICSI), so of course it was going to work." Men can be so naive, but we love them unconditionally anyway!


  1. Fantastic! Fertilization, in itself, is a huge deal. I'm staying tuned in for your continued reports.

  2. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  3. Yeah!!! So happy for you...looking forward to more good news updates!! Come on Murtle...we are all routing for you!
