Saturday, June 27, 2009

IVF # 1 - Cancelled Due to High TSH

That's right - cancelled not because of high FSH, but TSH!

I saw my wonderful PCP (Dr. Ian Shantz) on Tuesday and expressed my concerns about my TSH level that could be impacting my fertility. (If you remember, my levels have ranged from a 3.4 to a 4.3 and my RE was "keeping an eye on my levels"). So, he ordered a TSH test in conjunction with some other routine bloodwork I ended up getting drawn on Thursday. When I got home from work yesterday (Friday), I received a voice-mail message from Dr. Shantz's associate, Dr. Freas. I was surprised that someone, especially a doctor, had gotten back to me so quickly. Dr. Freas informed me that all of my bloodwork came back fine -- except for the TSH, which shows that I could have an underactive thyroid gland (a/k/a hypothryoidism) and which could have a great role in my infertility problems. I didn't know what the level was and it was too late to call him back, so I pondered whether or not I should bring this concern up with my nurse during today's "Lupron Evaluation" / IVF baseline appointment. After consulting with my wonderful Fertile Thoughts forum ladies, I reluctantly decided to let her know since the general consensus was if my TSH level was too high, it could impact my IVF cycle. And why go into an expensive IVF treatment if my chance for success wasn't as optimal as possible? Yes, it would really stink to have to wait for yet ANOTHER cycle, but what's another month of waiting in the broad scheme of things if it means that I will have a greater chance for that cherished BFP?

So, I went to today's appointment not feeling very optimistic. Here I thought all I had to worry about were cysts and if I had any antral follies, not hormone levels already! While I was getting my blood drawn (they just test for pregnancy, progesterone (p4) and estradiol (e2) during the "Lupron Evaluation"), I mentioned my most recent TSH test. The nurse told me that Shady Grove just changed their TSH IVF cut-off from a 3.9 to a 2.5! That means that I could NEVER have been able to cycle if my levels varied from a 3.4 to a 4.3 in the past! So why didn't they do anything to address my levels back in the beginning of the year? And they would have let me cycle this time because testing for TSH is not part of their standard protocol. Someone dropped the ball. Anyway - since I didn't yet have Thursday's TSH result, my nurse said that they would check my TSH level today, too.

While I was waiting for a call-back from Shady Grove, I contacted Dr. Freas, who turned out to be incredibly informative, supportive, and kind. He told me that my level was either 4.8 or 4.9, which was way too high. He told me of a story of a patient he had who had who was trying to get pregnant and had a level similar to mine. Soon after she started her thyroid medication, her levels stabilized and she got pregnant immediately. He offered to call a prescription of Levoxyl into my pharmacy in case I would be allowed to start my IVF cycle in conjunction with the thryoid medication. However, he did advise that it would probably be best to hold off on cycling until my levels came down to ensure the best possible response to my IVF, not to mention that a high TSH level could cause ovulatory problems, problems w/ implantation, and problems with the development of the baby. He also told me that he was going to go ahead and see if the lab could do a full thyroid work-up with my blood from Thursday (hooray if I don't have to get poked again!) to get a more complete picture of what could be going on to affect my fertility. I can't tell you how much I appreciated Dr. Freas' call and his proactive approach in helping me.

Back to my Shady Grove results -- Lo and behold, they were too high -- 3.19. [Sidenotes of Interest: 1) This is actually the lowest reading I have had so far (and BCPs typically cause levels to be higher) and 2) This reading differs by 1.61 from Thursday's bloodwork! Hmmm.] The doctors told me that I should not proceed with this IVF cycle in order to get my TSH levels under control. I informed the nurse who called me back that my PCP had already sent a prescription for me to take 75 mcg/daily of Levoxyl. She relayed the information to the RE on call who said that was a good plan and that I was to follow-up with my nurse on Monday in order to see what's next. In the meantime, I should discontinue my BCP and baby aspirin.

So, while I am disappointed that I can't join the "varsity" ART league, I feel at peace with waiting until I know that I will be at my best for my IVF cycle.


  1. Sorry for the cancellation girl, I know how that feels. Glad to see that you appear to be in good spirits, In a way, I'm sure it feels good to possbily find that info out before going in for such an expensive procedure...You're in my prayers.


  2. For IVF initially a drug has been given to me to supress my mothly cycle. It did to create a perfect environment for IVF. You can chose best period of your monthly cycle and then you dont need any drug.
    icsi treatment
