Thursday, December 31, 2009

Home Dopplers....Don't Do It!! And More Spotting Scares....

I recently returned from an unexpected trip oversees that turned out to be quite stressful. In order to allay my fears that Murtle was still doing ok, I purchased one of the inexpensive home dopplers. I couldn't wait to use it last Tuesday evening and even summoned DH to join in on the fun (despite my initial reservations to even tell him about my purchase because I was afraid that I would confirm his fears that I had gone off the deep end). I was pleasantly surprised to see that while he did give me a bit of a good-natured hard time about it, he did seem eager to hear the little heartbeat again, too. So, headphones on and probe all lubed up, we listened to my heartbeat to make sure the doppler was working and then tried to find little Murtle's galloping heartbeat. To my surprise, after several minutes of searching, we could only find what we thought was a heartbeat...but that was beating at about the same pace as mine. Uh-oh. So, I quietly put it away and tried to act as though I wasn't concerned...that it was just the result of user error, but I immediately headed downstairs to research the doppler I had purchased to see if anyone else had a similar experience, yet things turned out to be ok. Luckily, I did find some stories that re-assured me a bit, but until I could confirm that all was ok, I continued to worry. I ended up going to my OB's office the next morning and told them the whole embarassing story (and promised that I would throw the dumb thing away if all turned out ok) and asked if the nurse practioner ("NP") could use her doppler to find Murtle's heartbeat. Luckily, it appeared to be a slow day in the office and the NP agreed to see me. She was someone I hadn't seen before and I think I will see only her for all of my future GYN appointments because she was wonderfully supportive and sweet. We both heard Murtle's heartbeat going at 135 (I think) bpm and she said it was "perfect." While I was relieved that everything was much better than I had thought it was the previous evening, I couldn't help but worry and wonder why it had dropped from 160 just three weeks ago. I understand that heartbeat rates typically drop throughout a pregnancy until they stabilize, but that seemed to be a pretty significant drop. Whenever my fears start to creep up, I try to put them out of my mind and focus on her smiling face and her saying, "it's perfect."

Since then, I've noticed that while my nausea continues to serve as a good reminder that all is well, it has started to subside. Instead of actual nausea and total food aversion (that seemed to heighten every evening), I just have some fleeting moments of feeling "icky." I am 16 weeks and 3 days today and still am not showing, nor feeling any flutters. My research has led me to believe that this can be normal. So, I continued to have faith that all is still going well...until I noticed a bit of spotting yesterday. I came to terms with those few days of spotting in my first trimester because that seemed to happen to a lot of women who went on to have normal pregnancies and healthy babies. However, I didn't expect, nor was I prepared for a spotting re-appearance during my second trimester. Similar to the spotting I had in the first trimester, this was light and not accompanied by any painful cramps. I have been feeling some heaviness, pulling, and/or what could be stretching in my uterus, but I attributed this to my finally growing uterus and not to anything I could consider to be actual cramps. Anyway, to be on the safe side, I called my OB's office yesterday afternoon. The on-call OB, Dr. Edwards, told me basically the same advice I was given for the first trimester spotting: The spotting should not be a cause for concern unless it was heavy and/or accompanied by painful cramping. She told me just to take it easy and keep an eye on things. So, that's what I did and today it seems that all is ok. I am looking forward to my next regularly scheduled OB appointment on Wednesday to hear Murtle's heartbeat again. Taking things a day at a time during a pregnancy after infertility is much easier said than done. I know I said that I would be able to relax after I hit the 12 week mark and got the results of my NT screening. Now I'm wondering if I will be able to relax at all during this pregnancy. As of now, my goal to really start enjoying this pregnancy will be after I hit the 28 week mark. We can do this!!

Happy New Year, everyone! I'm really looking forward to 2010 - it should be one of the best years ever!


  1. Glad all is going well! And I agree ... throw that doppler away! lol

  2. Hi! Take it from me, being just over 33 weeks pregnant after infertility, I haven't been able to relax. I didn't feel my baby move until after 25 weeks so you have plenty of time. Everyone is different. By the time you think you can relax and feel like "this is it", there's a curveball. As your pregnancy progresses, then you start with the preparations for the arrival. Now, my boy is moving less & less and it's been concerning me. Although I know in my brain that this is supposed to happen as he's running out of room.
    In the beginning, I really wanted one of those home dopplars. So I asked my Dr. what he thought and he said "DON'T DO IT!" They cause stress when nothing is wrong, because the heartbeat is so hard to pick up. Hang in there, and remember we're here for you!

  3. Wow! So its not just me, the worries are infinite! Below is a snapshot of what I wrote in my journal today...enjoy!

    Sometimes I wonder if its just us infertility moms that take worrying to a different level. Maybe because of all of the testing and monitoring that we have to go through just to get pregnant that our brains are programmed a little differently.

    Thinking back on my journey, I was thinking oh I will be so much more relaxed once I'm pregnant....HA! But honestly, I am really trying to enjoy every moment of this and not let the worries get the best of me...easier said than done, but its an honor to be at this point.

    Just thinking back, I used to be the childless woman looking at other pregnant women like wow...If i could experience that I would be soooo happy. Well, now I am that pregnant what's the problem? Why isn't this enough to calm the raging worries...well it is enough but sometimes we just let things get the best of us. No one said this would be easy :-/

    Be encouraged, enjoy every second of this journey!

    Keeping you in my prayers,

    BOB (aka Babies on the Brain)

  4. Oh yeah, thanks for putting us on about the home dopplers. I always wondered about them. Especially since the ads in prego mags seem to glorify them along with other gadgets to make us go crazy. My favorite one is the sensing mat that you put under you as you sleep to monitor movement, I was looking at the ad and thinking...this can't be healthy (mentally).

    Now that I know they suck and just drive us even more nuts, I am putting it on my DO NOT PURCHASE list!


  5. Auntie K and Patty - Thanks!

    And Patty - Thanks also for not making me feel like a crazed, obsessed woman for not being able to relax yet. But you're at 33 weeks and still not able to relax? Oy vey - I have a long road ahead of me! Maybe we can relax once the baby is actually here, right? Please tell me right! :-)

    BOB - you have good news for us? :-)

  6. Oh, and BOB - Do you have a link to a blog that we can follow your journey, as well?

  7. BOB - Oh my goodness - I just re-read your post and saw that you wrote, "well, now I am that pregnant woman..." CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you!! Get ready for the fun ride ahead!! We're here for you, too!

  8. Hi Jennifer -

    You know I have been thinking about starting a blog...if and when I do, I will definitely you know as you may be my only reader...LOL!

    Thanks for the recommendation for hard candy, I never thought about that (my poor DH will now have to make another run to the store...haha).

    What fruits (specifically) help you? I am open to any suggestions

    Thanks for the congrads!


  9. BOB - Well, the food that could help is going to be based on what your baby wants. I wasn't a big fruit eater prior to getting PG, but that's all I could stomach. Especially the juicy fruit - like grapes, watermelons and clementines. Those were my wonder fruits and could take away the nausea at the drop of a hat. However, I think I could be craving fruit b/c I think I'm having a girl. My friends have told me that for those who had girls, craved fruit. When they had boys, they needed substance - like meat and potatoes - imagine that! However, today, I learned that a newly PG friend of mine has been a sucker for chocolate! Give the fruit a try first since it's the healthiest option and if that doesn't help, you will find something. Another friend of mine found that only McD's french fries worked. So much for the saltines and ginger ale standby (which didn't do squat for my nausea). I've also heard that flat soda (whether it's ginger ale or cola) helps, too. You'll find your way!
