Tuesday, March 24, 2009

IUI # 1 - Test Results - BFN

Well, I cheated last night by taking an HPT (Home Pregnancy Test). It turned out to be negative, which I suspected, but I had hopes that I would see the two pink lines instead of one glaring one. I went through the motions and went to the Annapolis office this morning for the Beta blood draw.

I just picked up a voice-mail message from my nurse w/ the official BFN news. Surprisingly, she actually conveyed some sympathy and even gave me general information as to how I responded this time and what to do next. See - this is all I need from her - is that too much to ask? Maybe that's the key! Don't talk to her personally - just let her tell me everything via voice-mails!

Anyway, my nurse told me that Dr. Mottla will probably keep me on the same protocol b/c I responded "well" (even though I didn't think generating two supposedly mature follies on CD8 was a good response, but I'll save that question for the RE if I ever get to talk to him). She also told me to stop taking the prometrium (I already stopped that last night after my HPT BFN) and that I should expect my period in less than a week. She then said that I should go back in on CD3 and then we'll go ahead and discuss the next protocol, but I should go ahead and order the meds that I had this time. She even gave me the pharmacy's phone number. Finally, she told me not to be too discouraged b/c it could take a few tries b/f they move on to something else.

I'm not sure if we'll jump back into things right away or take a month off before trying again. I'll have to discuss this w/ DH tonight and figure things out.

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